This house dates back to the 16th century and it is thought to be the oldest property on the street. It has an acre of landscaped garden and a giant yew tree that probably pre-dates the house itself. It is located in Buckinghamshire, only about half an hour from London by train.
Freelance TV director, Wendy Arnot and her husband Geoff say about it: ‘The house was fantastic: it had been so beautifully renovated by the previous owners we knew we wouldn’t have to do anything immediately, rather take our time making it our own.’ Geoff continues: ‘The garden, though, is what sold it to me: the owners had put so much time and money turning it into an oasis, separated into different zones, with a pond here, a pergola there; and dotted around are various outbuildings that we knew would come in handy.’
Renovations since moving in have been kept to a minimum: they’ve repaired original oak doors, widened the drive and added security gates, and built a small oak porch to the side entrance; they’ve also enhanced the bathroom.

Photography by Brent Darby
Styling by Sian Williams
All images and information from here.